Think for Ourselves,
Act for Everyone

Humanists shape their lives in the here and now because we believe it’s the only life we have. We make sense of the world through logic, reason and evidence and always seek to treat those around us with warmth and understanding. We put human welfare at the centre of ethical decisions. A Humanist wedding is not anti-religious – it is accepting of everyone, regardless of faith, sexuality, race and disability.
‘Each one of us is unique. A combination of genes never been seen before on planet Earth – a new ‘experiment’ in being human. And there is no archetypal human. You are just as perfect an example of Homo sapiens as the next person – as any person.’
The Little Book of Humanism.
Humanists UK do some wonderful work in this field, click here for more information.


Chen Smith

Event Producer

“It was such a joy working with you, you were such a calm, elegant and happy presence and everyone thought the ceremony was magic.”

Rosie & Walla

“You’re the best Fi. You’re 100% in the right job!”